Isolation Cage

ISOCAGE TM Multi-Use Isolation Cage

The Isocage unit is a sealed and self-contained module, with an IV port and forced output of room air. HEPA and charcoal input and output filters remove nearly 100% of pathogens. Filters are standard and replacements are available at hardware or paint stores.

Optional, sturdy steel 2-cage frame, with locking casters, makes relocation of Isocages quick and easy.

Northgate's newly-designed Isocage TM pet isolation unit converts available hospital, shelter or laboratory space to permanent or temporary isolation for intensive care, recovery or bird space -- quickly and securely.

Isocage provides ideal environment control for birds, URI cats, parvo puppies and other diseases where contamination is a concern. For research and shelter installations, Isocages can be assembled in multiple-cage arrangements with a common ventilation manifold.

The interior surface of the cage module is smooth, molded fiberglass, easily cleaned with no drain opening or joint crevices to harbor disease and odor-causing bacteria. Lighting can be provided from the outside, through the translucent ceiling. The PVC-coated aluminum floor rack is easily removed for cleaning and sanitation.

Shipping weight of Isocage module is approx. 60 lbs., including the floor rack. Shipped fully assembled. Frame shipping weight is approx. 50 lbs. Assembly required.

PRICES -- ISOCAGE TM ISOLATION CAGE F.O.B. factory, freight collect

ISOCAGE MODULE (including floor rack, fans and filters)





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Northgate Veterinary Supply

4140 Redwood Highway * San Rafael, California 94903

    Toll Free: 888-DOGCAGE      Fax: 415-499-5738