ISOCAGE TM Multi-Use Isolation Cage |
The Isocage unit is a sealed and self-contained module, with an IV port and forced output of room air. HEPA and charcoal input and output filters remove nearly 100% of pathogens. Filters are standard and replacements are available at hardware or paint stores. |
Northgate's newly-designed Isocage TM pet isolation unit converts available hospital, shelter or laboratory space to permanent or temporary isolation for intensive care, recovery or bird space -- quickly and securely. Isocage provides ideal environment control for birds, URI cats, parvo puppies and other diseases where contamination is a concern. For research and shelter installations, Isocages can be assembled in multiple-cage arrangements with a common ventilation manifold. The interior surface of the cage module is smooth, molded fiberglass, easily cleaned with no drain opening or joint crevices to harbor disease and odor-causing bacteria. Lighting can be provided from the outside, through the translucent ceiling. The PVC-coated aluminum floor rack is easily removed for cleaning and sanitation. |
Shipping weight of Isocage module is approx. 60 lbs., including the floor rack. Shipped fully assembled. Frame shipping weight is approx. 50 lbs. Assembly required. |
PRICES -- ISOCAGE TM ISOLATION CAGE F.O.B. factory, freight collect |
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